Hospices must take as much care in managing their costs as they do in caring for their patients. Cost and quality are not mutually exclusive.
The Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) in New York City has launched a Palliative Care Leadership Center (PCLC) initiative to help health care organizations create programs to more effectively manage advanced chronic illness.
Over time, patients who initially are appropriate for home health services may no longer meet the agencys care criteria. Consider autonomy, justice, beneficence.
Despite all of its successes in improving care for patients facing the end of life, Oregon still has not made headway in treating pain and suffering, according to researchers at the Center for Ethics in Healthcare at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland.
Your nurses teach patients how to administer their medications, check their blood sugars, use their oxygen, care for their wounds, and, in general, take care of themselves as they deal with their illness or condition. Your nurses also review the safety of the home environment; but how well are they protecting your patients from the risks of fire?
What is your approach when it comes to repeat doses of the levonorgestrel-only emergency contraceptive pill (ECP), Plan B (Womens Capital Corp., Washington, DC)? Comments on this question are offered by Contraceptive Technology Update Editorial Advisory Board members.
Over the past decade, 18 states have obtained federal approval to extend eligibility for Medicaid-covered family planning services to individuals who would otherwise not be eligible. The first national evaluation of these efforts found that every one of the programs studied not only met the requirement that they not result in additional costs to the federal government, but actually saved money.
Circle Aug. 12-15, 2004, on the calendar for the Minority Womens Health Summit sponsored by the Office of Public Health and Science, Office on Womens Health. The summit, Women of Color, Taking Action for a Healthier Life: Progress, Partnerships and Possibilities, will build upon the first national conference held in 1997.
Check the following web sites to get teen-friendly information to share with your adolescent patients.